The RMS Intelligent Multichannel project arises as a response to the challenges facing tourist establishments today, especially in the post-pandemic context. In this scenario, the efficient management of availability and selling prices becomes crucial for all tourist establishments, regardless of their category or destination.
In order to address this need, RMS Inteligente Multichannel has been developed, a tool that provides Revenue Managers with the ability to effectively visualize the evolution of sales and prices, as well as the competition and the status of the destination . The highlight of this technology is its ability to provide price recommendations based on artificial intelligence (AI), which is fed by the internal data of the establishment and its environment. On the other hand, it is intended to disseminate the project in sectoral forums in order to help the tourism sector improve its competitiveness and improve its digital transformation.
RMS is supported thanks to a grant from the AEIs of the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism (Mincotur) of the Government of Spain for an amount of 157,000 euros. The companies Clevertask, GNAHS and Mabrian and the Clúster Digital de Catalunya are participating.
This project, led by the Digital Cluster, represents a significant advance in the operational efficiency of tourist establishments, allowing agile adaptation to market fluctuations and improving strategic decision-making in a highly competitive environment.
30 December 2024
La iniciativa aposta per la intel·ligència artificial i la sostenibilitat per transformar el sector agroalimentari en un model d’eficiència i respecte mediambiental.
24 December 2024
El projecte consolida l’ús del blockchain i algoritmes avançats per garantir la traçabilitat i promoure l’economia circular en entorns marítims.
29 November 2024
El Clúster Digital de Catalunya lidera dos nous projectes d’innovació i col·labora en un tercer, impulsant la sostenibilitat i la transformació digital amb tecnologies avançades com blockchain i intel·ligència artificial.
@2024 Clúster Digital de Catalunya