Associació Clúster Digital de Catalunya (CLDI), Distretto Tecnologico Campania Bioscience Scarl (CBIOS) and Lietuvos Maisto Eksportuotoju Asociacija (LITMEA) have launched this project in the framework of the Single Market Programme (SMP).
The corporates will be involved in a preliminary assessment of the Key Performance Areas (KPAs) in order to define a unique value proposal. The analysis will focus on identifying the innovations that companies are currently working on, the innovations needed in the future and their expected impact on the performance of the EU industry and establishment of new value chains.
Epicentre Consortium’s partners are looking for corporates interested in participating in an open innovation programme, that will enable you to increase our innovation capacity working with the most promising European start-ups and SMEs on solving your future technological challenges. .
This call for Expression of Interest will be launched on the 14 November 2022 and will be open until 20 January 2023 (17:00 CET).
EPICENTRE offers selected corporates:
How can you participate?
Apply here:
Do not hesitate to contact us for any support or clarification you need!
Roberta Lauro
Daniela Russo
@2024 Clúster Digital de Catalunya