Information Conference on Financing R+D+i projects


DayOne, C/Londres 102, 08006 Barcelona

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Add to calendar 2024-05-2809:30 2024-05-2811:00 Europe/Madrid Information Conference on Financing R+D+i projects DayOne, C/Londres 102, 08006 Barcelona

Eurecat and the Clúster Digital de Catalunya jointly organize this event to learn first-hand the funding opportunities for R+D+i projects promoted by the Centre per al Desenvolupament Tecnològic Industrial (CDTI), as well as European programs and lines of 'aid from the Agència per la Competitivitat de les Empreses de la Generalitat de Catalunya (ACCIÓ), with special attention to the NextGen EU funds.

We will have Emilio Iglesias Cadarso, Head of Area and Directorate of EU Programs and Territorial Cooperation in the Department of Institutional Promotion and Territorial Cooperation.

In addition, you will learn about success stories from companies associated with the Cluster that have accessed CDTI financing programs and that will tell us about their experience.

The event is open to the public and, if you are a company associated with the Clúster Digital de Catalunya, and you need to finance an R+D+i project, we offer you the possibility of holding a bilateral meeting with the CDTI representative at the end of the session. If you are interested, it is essential that you send an expression of interest to this email adress:

*Limited places.


  • 9:30 - Welcome
    Gemma Batlle, Head of Business Development of the Eurecat ICT Market and secretary of the Clúster Digital de Catalunya and Joan Puaté, Cluster Manager of the Clúster Digital de Catalunya
  • 9:35 - Role of Technology Centers in Business R+D+i projects in the ICT field
    Elías Gargallo, Head of Business Development DIGICTUR (Digital, Creatives-Culturals, Turisme) in Eurecat
  • 10:00  - CDTI instruments for financing R+D+i projects
    Emilio Iglesias Cadarso, Head of Area. Department of Institutional Promotion and Territorial Cooperation at CDTI
  • 10:30 - Success stories and experiences: lessons learned:
  • 11:10  - Questions and inquiries from attendees
  • 11:20  - Start of bilateral meetings with the expert representative of the CDTI (exclusive for members of the Clúster Digital de Catalunya)
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