EPICENTRE GALA EVENT: The Future of Green and Digital Industrial Ecosystems


Complesso Monumentale Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, 4 - Piazza Monteoliveto 80134 - Napoli (Italy)

Aquest esdeveniment ha vençut
Afegir al calendari 2025-03-1109:30 2025-03-1113:30 Europe/Madrid EPICENTRE GALA EVENT: The Future of Green and Digital Industrial Ecosystems Complesso Monumentale Sant'Anna dei Lombardi, 4 - Piazza Monteoliveto 80134 - Napoli (Italy)

EPICENTRE is a project funded by the Single Market Programme (SMP), call Joint Cluster Initiatives (Euroclusters) for Europe’s recovery, from the European Comission. The EPICENTRE consortium is composed of 3 partners: Clúster Digital de Catalunya (Spain), CBIOS (Italy) and LITMEA (Lithuania), gathering ICT value chain, food sector and life science experts.

The Epicentre Gala is a showcase event in which the 13 sub-granted projects will present their journey through the business support program and their developed solution.

  • SMEs sub-granted projects will pitch their projects in front of an audience of different innovation actors.
  • SMEs will have the opportunity to directly interplay with corporates and other innovation actors in order to set the ground for the execution of a joint pilot test afterwards.
  • The best 3 projects from each group that are ready to make a test- bed with corporates will pass on to the next phase.


9.45h - 10.00h
Registration and Welcome coffee

10.00h - 10.15h
Welcome speech
Prof. Vincenzo Nigro , Chairman Campania Bioscience

10.15h - 10.30h
EPICENTRE Project: Introduction & Next Steps – Roberta Lauro, Campania Bioscience

10.30h - 11.10h
Panel 1: The Power of Data and Blockchain for Cross-Sectorial Development

- FinqUP Technology OOD
- TipPri
- Seedsghits
Moderator: Isabel Botey, Cluster Digital

11.10h - 11.25h
Coffee Break & Networking

11:25h - 12:05h
Panel 2: New Frontiers for Food and Health Through Research

- BCNVision
- Freia
- Innosensus
- Biofta
- Smart EpiGenetX
Moderator: Giedrius Bagusinskas, Lithuanian Food Exporters Association

12.05h - 12.40h
Panel 3: Health: New Frontiers Through Innovation

- HekaVR
- Huvant
- VoiceMed
- Respibit
Moderator: Roberta Lauro, Campania Bioscience

12.40h - 12.50h
Unlocking Startups’ Potential with Tailored Academy Support
Albert Rivero, Worsley Academy

12.50h - 13.00h
Winners & Closing remarks
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